Plastic Pollution in Northern Nevada is Unique

"All drains lead to the ocean." In the movie Finding Nemo, that phrase meant the little clownfish could be reunited with his dad. Everywhere else, that phrase means anything you put in your sink or, in fact, anywhere at all will eventually find its way to the ocean. Except everywhere doesn't include places like Nevada.
Read more on the Truckee Meadows Park Foundation blog.

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Truckee River Month 2021 Photo Contest Winners

As part of Truckee River Month 2021, One Truckee River invited the public to participate in the 2021 Truckee River Photo Contest. The theme was “community,” and photo judges selected photographs that capture the connection our community has to the Truckee River.

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Deicing Salts: Are There Pet-Safe and Eco-Friendly Options?

While winter may seem like a slow time for gardening, there’s still plenty to do to keep your landscape River-Friendly. One thing to consider is deicing salts used on icy paths and driveways. While they help melt ice and make our roads and walking surfaces safer during the winter months, they also can harm our pets and the environment.

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The Portland Loo comes to Reno

We are delighted to announce the ribbon cutting of the first new Portland Loo on August 17, 2020 at 9:00 am at Brodhead Park! Please come and join us to celebrate the Loo's opening. The Portland Loo, River Restroom Project, evolved out of the One Truckee River Management Plan, Phase I that was developed over the course of many years with multiple Government, nonprofit, local businesses, and residents’ input and insight.

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Weekly Trail Highlight: Tom Cooke Trail

Thanks to friends of OTR, Mike White and Mark Vollmer, we will be highlighting a Truckee River trail from their book “50 Best Strolls, Walks, and Hikes Around Reno” each week in May. Their book is available for purchase online at Sundance Book Store. We will be featuring some of Marks incredible photography from each trail on our blog each week.

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Truckee River Month, But Make It Digital

May has rolled around once again, and that means it is officially One Truckee River’s third annual Truckee River Month. This year is a little different from the previous two years’ celebrations. This year's Truckee River Month is an entirely digital event. The only physical components of Truckee River Month this year are the banner over California Ave, our signs along the Truckee River path, and, of course, the river itself.

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Guest Post: Greening Up a Former Dairy Meadow in the Heart of Truckee

Assistant with the Truckee River Watershed Council (Read original post here) Right in the heart of Truckee across from the Villager Nursery sits a little meadow with a not so little problem – McIver Dairy Meadow. McIver Dairy Meadow used to be a vibrant functioning wetland, but over time due to development, grazing, and recreation, the meadow has become degraded. Without a properly functioning wetland or floodplain to slow, infiltrate, and filter runoff, water from this site is flowing untreated directly into the Truckee River. When the Truckee River Watershed Council’s water quality monitoring estimated 2 tons of sediment were being contributed from this site annually to the Truckee River, it was clear something had to be done.…

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The Importance of Pyramid Lake Water Quality

There are a lot of reasons our watershed is unique. It’s a high elevation terminal watershed, what could be more special? Well, another contributing factor is that the terminus of the Truckee River watershed exists on the largest Native American Reservation in Nevada. That’s right! The Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation (PLIR) consists of 742 square miles of land and Pyramid Lake is smack dab in the middle of it. Image courtesy City of Reno Both the Truckee River and Pyramid Lake hold vast historical and cultural importance to the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, so it isn’t surprising to learn they are already heavily invested in water quality monitoring and restoration projects. Their water quality monitoring program began in 1981 on Pyramid Lake and in 1998 on the lower Truckee River…

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