Goal 4: Sustainable Management
Our 4th goal is to ensure the measurable, sustainable and collaborative management of the river for today and into the future. To achieve long-term success, One Truckee River is building a sustainable organization and coalition of local partners, as well as developing metrics for measuring our achievements.
Within Goal 4, our current priorities and projects include:
Action Item 4.1.a
Assess existing groups and structures for possible entities to house the management of the OTR Plan and develop recommendations.
Update on 4.1.a:
OTR’s new logo - created in 2020
Completed 4.1.a: In 2019, existing groups and structures were assessed to house the management of the OTR partnership. In 2020, recommendations were made by the OTR Advancement Committee to the OTR Partnership Council. Consensus was reached and the management of the OTR partnership moved to its long-term home: nonprofit organization the Truckee River Foundation from the fiscal agent Nevada Land Trust.
Entities engaged with the Action Item 4.1.a: OTR Board of Directors, Partnership Council, and past Advancement Committee.
Estimated completion date of the Action Item 4.1.a: Completed
Action Item 4.2.b
Create metrics for measuring success and achievements of the plan.
Update on 4.2.b:
The OTR partnership has worked to develop a method of tracking data related to the OTR Management Plan. This work started with OTR Partnership Council working together to develop indicators connected to the action items identified in the OTR Management Plan. Work then moved to connecting regional data already collected and related to those indicators. Currently, Goal 1 indicators and data connection are being finalized. The finished work will be launched as a Truckee River Dashboard. It will be hosted by Truckee Meadows Tomorrow and made available to the public. This effort is a significant step forward, as we begin to look at the challenges and successes of the river on a regional level.
Entities currently engaged with 4.2.b: OTR Partnership Council, Desert Research Institute, Truckee Meadows Tomorrow, Turning Point, Inc. and University of Nevada, Reno Center for Program Evaluation.
Estimated completion date of 4.2.b: Completed estimated by the end of 2023..