About Us
One Truckee River (OTR) is a nonprofit that manages a coalition of public and private partners working together towards our mission: to ensure a healthy and thriving river connected to its community. Our Partnership Council includes representatives from local agencies and nonprofits collaborating to improve water quality, create a thriving environment, conduct education and outreach, and facilitate long-term management of the Truckee River, as guided by our Management Plan.
The One Truckee River staff and Board of Directors focus on sparking partner collaboration and supporting fundraising for project implementation. As the majority of the Truckee River and its corridor are managed and regulated by federal, state, and local agencies, One Truckee River supports and assists these organizations in implementing watershed management initiatives and working towards our shared goals.
Truckee River Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit doing business as One Truckee River.
OTR Mission & Vision
Our mission is to ensure a healthy, thriving, sustainable river connected to the hearts and minds of its community.
Our vision is to be a collaboration of public and private partners working together to realize a Truckee River that flows clear and clean; quenches our thirst; sustains the river’s natural ecology, cultural resources and wildlife; and connects residents and visitors to unparalleled opportunities for recreation and regeneration.