
What We’ve Achieved at One Truckee River

At One Truckee River, we’re working alongside our coalition partners to implement projects and programs to improve water quality, create a thriving environment, conduct  education and community outreach, and facilitate long-term management of the One Truckee River Management Plan. Our plan identifies over 100 action items to protect the Truckee River. In 2017, the OTR watershed coalition prioritized nine action items. Today, we’re implementing those nine efforts by supporting partner activities, fundraising, and coordinating collaborative work.

Here are some of our recent accomplishments:


Development of a Truckee River Water Trail

Planning & Capital Improvements

The Truckee River is an important asset to our community. One Truckee River aims to improve river access and recreational opportunities for residents and visitors. We do so through interagency coordination and fundraising for infrastructure improvements. 

Working closely with the three local jurisdictions, Nevada Land Trust, Truckee Meadows Water Authority, and other coalition partners, together we’ve:

  1. Designed and installed 250+ river trail signs. Our signage provides maps, directions, and stewardship information to paddlers, cyclers, walkers, and other park visitors.

  2. Installed Portland Loos along the Truckee River corridor at Reno City Plaza, Brodhead Park, and John Champion Park. These restrooms are designed for durability and easy maintenance and help make the Water Trail a more inviting space for everyone in our community to enjoy.

circle of 6 one truckee river workforce development crew members standing in front of the river with three in background

Urban Restoration

Fostering Regional Coordinated Vegetation Management for the Truckee River

One Truckee River with the Nevada Land Trust started and continues to lead a regional coordinated vegetation management effort to improve the ecological function of the river system. The work includes: initial planning, vegetation coordination assessment, restoration planning, and fundraising efforts. We manage an active Technical Working Group representing 16 local agencies with authority or involvement in vegetation management along the river and have completed a Framework Vegetation Management and Restoration Plan

Through this work, we’re achieved our 60% design goal for our riverbank repair project at Brodhead Park - laying the groundwork to replant the eroded southern riverbank in Reno’s urban core, from the west end of Brodhead Park to the Wells overpass, with a vibrant, healthy native plant ecosystem and paths for residents and visitors to access the water’s edge. Thanks to a 2023 grant from the Regional Transportation Commission and Nevada Department of Transportation, we'll be able to complete this work.

One Truckee River, with the Nevada Land Trust, started and continues to lead a regional coordinated vegetation management effort to improve the ecological function of the river system. 

The Truckee River Urban Tree Workforce Program

In downtown Reno, urban disadvantaged communities lack access to shady outdoor public spaces – and we’re working to change just that! Through our efforts, we’ll cooling the river trail pavement, increase enjoyment of public spaces, and create a healthier living environment, both for Northern Nevada families and local wildlife. 

Just as importantly, we’re pairing our restorative efforts with workforce development, building a job-training program for the members of our community who need it most. In 2024, we began training individuals facing barriers to employment in tree care, urban and community forestry, and biodiversity as they reestablish native trees 

Our 5-person crew is busy removing invasives and cleaning up the Truckee’s riverbanks along the 2-mile stretch of the Truckee River from Lake Street to Galletti Way, thanks to the support from Nevada Division of Forestry, the City of Reno, and the Reno Initiative for Shelter and Equality.


River Friendly Living Program

Public Outreach & Education

The River-Friendly Living Program is One Truckee River’s education and outreach platform. It includes four main branches for providing care to the Truckee River: individual actions, yards, communities, and voices and hands. The Program is focused on adult education to reduce nonpoint pollution to the river. Check out our web platform, blog, Facebook, and Instagram to learn more - and let us know what you think! 

One Truckee River has designed several public outreach workshops. Most significantly, we developed our Landscaping Design 101 workshop in 2022 and continue to offer virtual workshops through our website. This material teaches principles and practices to help keep water and nutrients on your landscape and out of the Truckee River, outlining easy steps for creating healthy landscapes. It was offered in partnership with the Truckee Meadows Water Authority. For current workshops related to similar topics go TMWA Free Tours and Workshops and access our video resources to learn more. 

In addition, in partnership with Truckee Meadows Stormwater Permit Coordinating Committee we held workshops for Northern Nevada Homeowner Association Managers.

River-Friendly Living Demonstration Garden

In May 2024, One Truckee River proudly opened the new River-Friendly Living Demonstration Garden at Lake Park, showcasing landscaping features that prevent runoff into the Truckee River, maximizing our 8 annual inches of rainfall while providing healthy habitats for local wildlife. Informational signage explains the significance of River-Friendly gardening features like Rain Gardens and Buffer Strips and identifies recommended native plants. We completed the project in partnership with the City of Reno and Friends of Lake Park, with funding from the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

4 members of one truckee river working group sitting at conference table and talking

Watershed Coalition Building

Partnership Council

The foundation of One Truckee River is its Partnership Council, comprising dozens of representatives from local agencies and nonprofits sharing resources and expertise as we work together towards our shared mission to have a healthy and thriving Truckee River connected to our community. 

Truckee River Community Advisory Team

Along the Truckee River’s urban corridor east of Downtown Reno, we’re working with community leaders from many diverse backgrounds. Truckee River Community Advisory Team, we’re surveying community members about the improvements and stewardship they’d most like to see. This work is possible with the support of the National Park Service and River Network


What’s Next at One Truckee River?