Want to design a River-Friendly Yard, but don't know where to start?

An easy project to start with is a buffer strip. These are water-wise perennial, planting areas between your lawn and the sidewalk. They keep water from running onto the sidewalk and down the storm drain, which uses water wisely and reduces the potential for fertilizers and pesticides to runoff and harm the Truckee River.

Buffer Strip Design Templates

Use these planting design templates to generate ideas for your own buffer strip. Each design is for a planting strip 4' wide and 20' long. You may need to adjust the number of plants to fit your planting area. For more information on each plant, use Truckee Meadows Water Authority's Plant Finder.

These templates are provided for informational and educational purposes only. Any information or materials provided by One Truckee River or Urban Ecology Solutions, LLC is utilized at one’s own risk, and the user expressly assumes the risk of such use. Further, One Truckee River and Urban Ecology Solutions, LLC disclaims any and all warranties whatsoever, express or implied, pertaining to the information and materials provided. In all cases, before engaging in any project, the user should consult with professional advisors who are familiar with her, his, or its particular situation and can provide specific, detailed advice unique to the user’s situation.